Project Page
The project page is the central access point to this app. It is available in every Jira project, no matter whether team-managed, or company-managed project, and whether Jira software, Jira service management, or Jira work management project.
Location of project milestone page
The page with the project milestones can be found in each project on the left sidebar. When it is opened for the first time, no milestones exist.
Project header
On top of the page you find a header with project name, project start and completion dates. Those dates can be changed by clicking on the edit icon next to the dates.
The edit icon is only visible for project or Jira system administrators.
When clicking on the edit button a dialog appears where the dates can be updated.
You can either set the dates manually, or set it automatically based on the milestone dates. If the checkbox is activated, the date selection fields on top are disabled. In that case, the start date will be set to the earliest start date of the existing milestones, whereas the end date will be set to the latest milestone completion date.
If the checkbox is activated, the dates update automatically when a new milestone is created earlier or later than the existing ones or when existing milestone dates are changed accordingly.
Create milestone
You can simply add milestones by clicking on the create milestone button in the top right corner. The following dialog appears and you can insert the milestone details
Start date
Completion date
After creating a milestone, it appears in the list.
Milestone list
Default view
The list is sorted by completion date. For each milestone a checkbox exists with which the milestone can be marked as completed. If you do so, the background changes to green. If you hover over the title, the description is displayed as additional information. Furthermore, you see the planned start and completion date, and a status.
Table view
You can easily switch to a table view of the project milestones by clicking on the respective link on top.
When you change the view, a table with a row for each milestone is displayed instead of the default view. The functionality in that table is the same, but you can also sort the table based on different criteria (e.g. start date, completion date, milestone title) and also change the order with drag & drop. However, the order or filtering won’t be saved, it is only for displaying the information in the table.
You can easily switch back to the default view by using the link on top.
Milestone status
The status can have one of the following values:
NEW Milestone created and no issue mapped to it
IN PROGRESS Issues are mapped to the milestone and not all of them are resolved
READY Mapped issues are all resolved, meaning the milestone is ready to be completed
COMPLETED Milestone has been marked as completed
By clicking on the edit icon, you can modify the details of each milestone.
Milestone issues
If issues are mapped, an expand icon is displayed on the right. Click it to expand the list of issues with information like key, summary, status or resolution.
Map issues to milestone
To map other issues to the milestone click on the map issues button to open the respective dialog.
You have 2 options here. Either pick issues in the select list on top to map them to the milestone, or do that automatically by activating the checkbox below.
When opening the dialog, you immediately get displayed the number of issues from the current project which have a due date between start and completion date of the respective milestone. In the example above, those would be 5. If you decide to add them automatically, you don’t have to select them all in the select list. When the checkbox is activated, the select list above is automatically disabled and no more issues can be picked there.
Notes on issue selection:
The select list displayed above will only show up like this if your project has less than 500 issues. For projects with more issues, we don’t load all issues initially as this would take too long. Instead, we use a searchable select field where you can type in text to search for issues.
As an example, if you want to search for issues to be mapped that contain the word “task” in the issue summary, type in “task” in the field and all issues will be searched and shown which summary contains “task”.
Map issues to all milestones
Issues can also be mapped to all milestones at once based on due date. To do so, open the respective dialog by clicking on the button Auto Map Issues on top next to the create milestone button.
The dialog shows all existing milestones and the number of issues that fit to them according to their due date. By clicking on the numbers, a new tab opens with the underlying JQL search.
For each milestone a checkbox can be selected or unselected. For unselected milestones the issues won’t be mapped. For all checked milestones the mapping is done automatically after you click on submit.
Please note that this automated mapping only works for less than 100 issues. If more issues shall be mapped to a milestone, this won’t be possible via this dialog.
You can also display and edit the mapping directly in an issue. See this page for details: Issue View