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What you can do with Duplicate Epic?

When you open the Duplicate Epic dialog, you have the option to modify certain fields and select or reorder the child issues to duplicate.


Duplicate Epic dialog

Edit fields

Summary: Define the summary for the duplicated epic.

Epic Name: In company-managed projects, epics come with an epic name field. When you duplicate an epic in a company-managed project, you have the option to specify the epic name for the new epic.

Clone Attachments: If the source epic contains attachments and you have permission to create attachments in the project, you have the option to choose whether to clone the attachments. By default, it is set to clone attachments. If you do not see the field, it indicates that either the source epic lacks attachments or you lack the privilege to add attachments in the project.

Parent Link Options: When duplicating a source epic with an established parent link, you have the option to decide whether you wish to replicate this parent link to the newly created epic. This particular field is only visible in the presence of an existing parent link.

Duplicate links: If the epic to be duplicated has linked issues, you have the option to duplicate those links. If the option is set, the duplicated epic will be linked to the same issues as the source epic.

Duplicate child issues in source project: When dealing with child issues originating from various projects, you have the option to choose between duplicating them within their original project or transferring them all to the project where the epic is located. Simply activate the toggle to retain these cloned issues in their respective projects.


Option to duplicate child issues in source project

Here is an example:

  • Epic in Project DEV

    • child issue 1 in project DEV

    • child issue 2 in project DEV

    • child issue 3 in project KANBAN

Duplication with the toggle enabled:

  • Epic in Project DEV → Duplicated Epic in Project DEV

    • child issue 1 in project DEV → Duplicated issue 1 in Project DEV

    • child issue 2 in project DEV → Duplicated issue 2 in Project DEV

    • child issue 3 in project KANBAN → Duplicated issue 3 in Project KANBAN

Duplication without the toggle enabled:

  • Epic in Project DEV → Duplicated Epic in Project DEV

    • child issue 1 in project DEV → Duplicated issue 1 in Project DEV

    • child issue 2 in project DEV → Duplicated issue 2 in Project DEV

    • child issue 3 in project KANBAN → Duplicated issue 3 in Project DEV

Child Issues - select for duplication

Choose which child issues to duplicate along with the parent epic. The checkbox list displays the issue type, key, and summary.

  • Only the issues with an issue type existing in the project are selectable.

  • You can only select sub-tasks for which the parent issue has been selected as well for duplication. If you deselect a parent, its sub-tasks won’t be selectable anymore.

Child Issues - reorder NEW

This feature allows for convenient reordering of child issues in the list through a simple drag-and-drop functionality. By rearranging the sequence of child issues, users can define a new order that will be applied when duplicating the issues. Additionally, the flexibility extends to sub-tasks, enabling users to easily change their parent issue within the list using the same drag-and-drop method.

In cases where the position of an issue becomes invalid, such as placing a sub-task at the top of the list without a parent, the system promptly responds with an error message displayed at the top of the issue list. This error notification ensures that the issue's position is reset to a valid state, maintaining the integrity of the duplication process.

If you have finished your settings, click on submit to start the duplication. See this page for information on the result screen.

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