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App settings

First of all, we have to mention that the app always did and will continue to respect the Jira permissions a user has. If users don’t have the create permission in a project, they won’t be able to clone to that project using Epic Clone.

The app settings page described on this page is located in the Jira system administration and thus can only be accessed by Jira administrators.

Epic Clone is available for all users by default

By default, Epic Clone is available and intended to be used by all users in your instance. It can save users time when creating issues and is useful in many cases and for many different roles in your organisation. However, there might be cases where the functionality shall be limited to certain projects or user groups. That is why we introduced the app permission settings for Jira administrators.

How Jira admins can access the app settings page

As Jira administrator, go to Apps → Manage your apps → Epic Clone settings on left sidebar to access the configuration page for Epic Clone.

What Jira admins can configure on the app settings page

Access to Epic Clone can be restricted to either certain projects, or to certain user groups. As said above, by default nothing is selected and the app is available in all projects and for all user groups.

To restrict access to certain projects, select the projects in the respective field, click on add and save the configuration. The same procedure can be used for groups.

Nothing is set by default - Epic Clone available in all projects and for all users

The save button only appears when you changed something in the configuration. Selected projects or groups can be removed by clicking on the trash icon next to them.

Projects and groups selected - save button appears

When the save button has been clicked, the following message appears that the new configuration is now saved.

How does it look like when access to Epic Clone is denied

Unfortunately, it isn’t possible to hide the Epic Clone issue action completely if the app is not available in a project or for the user accessing the issue.

However, the following message appear when Epic Clone is not available in a project but the issue action is opened by users.

No access to Epic Clone due to project restriction

If Epic Clone is restricted to certain user groups and an user not in those groups opens the clone dialog, the following message appears.

No access to Epic Clone due to user group restriction

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